NAAGA Emergency Support Team Registration

Welcome to the NEST information and registration page. The National African American Gun Association is advocating for its members, leadership team, and partners  to develop a NEST (NAAGA Emergency Support Team). It’s a local, organized group of of members who work as a “unit” to support and assist each other during an extended crisis or pandemic. Collectively being prepared for the unexpected is a good mindset.  

Every person should belong to a NEST in an emergency. It can be a group consisting of your family, friends, neighbors, exclusively NAAGA members, or a combination. The objective of the NEST is to work together to solve problems. The NEST can assist with physical needs, emotional, verbal, food, water, household supplies, computer technology, guns, logistics, and security. The NEST helps in a variety of ways.


Please remember that Individuals by themselves are said to have only a 20 percent chance of survival, compared to individuals in a group.


In long-term survival the most important part of the group is protection and security. That translates that you need enough bullets and guns for everyone in the group and an organized security plan with individuals who know how to shoot a firearm.


This last point is important. Six to Nine people are said to be the ideal number that allows for the best chance to survive or accomplish group tasks. These include movement, self-sustainability off natural resources, and security. (Firearms, and more importantly the skills to use them, are critical to the success of the NEST because if you cannot protect yourself, the group will
not survive.)


List the phone number and address of each NEST member


Schedule quarterly meetings with your NEST team to make sure everyone understands their role and to discuss recent updates


Frequent and daily communication is essential during a crisis


Use it to connect– cell phone, Ham Radio, Radio, Skype, GoToMeeting, Zoom, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp, GroupMe, etc


Make sure someone in the group has food or access to food & Water.


Every NEST member should have at least one firearm


Try to have six to 9 members in your NEST to increase your chance of survival

If you have established your NEST and are ready to move forward please click below and fill out the form.

You will be contacted to join the Facebook Group so you can communicate with other NEST’s nationwide.

We also want to encourage every NEST member to purchase the NEST manual 


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National African American Gun Association