NAAGA Instructor Course & Certification

February 17, 2025

Instructor Course & Certification

This course is for those Instructors who have prior experience teaching Firearms to the general public and want to get a Instructor Certification with The National African American Gun Association. This course will allow you to teach NAAGA certified courses throughout the USA. To qualify you must me high standards of the Organization in Shooting expertise, Teaching Methodology, and be dedicated in supporting the Community. 
For this course the standards are extremely high in all 3 phases ( shooting skills, Teaching, and cultural awareness). 
  • Shooting-  Participants will be evaluated based on these areas. Must be able to shoot minimum 25 yards in a timed test, Rifle and Pistol shooting expertise, move and shooting, and Shooting Range knowledge.  Extremely intense and is only for highly skilled Instructors. 
  • Teaching – Must demonstrate the ability to teach with high degree of verbal communication and be able to inspire, motivate, and build a student’s skill and confidence.
  • Cultural Awareness – Potential instructors must have an understanding of the History of Firearms within our community and the social realities that are currently present to adequately prepare student’s for real life scenarios. 

* All Courses will be led by a Certified Instructor