The Battle of the Century “Again”: AK-47 vs AR-15

AK-47 stands for Kalashnikov automatic rifle model of 1947. It is a selective fire, gas operated 7.62x39mm assault rifle. AR-15 is a lightweight semi-automatic rifle built with aluminum alloys and synthetic materials. It is air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed and has a rotating-lock bolt. Post a comment, and let us know which rifle is your favorite and why.


  • Robert S. Binder
    Posted March 31, 2020 5:06 am

    There is no debate and no battle. Whether one chooses an AR or AK platform is either a matter of personal choice or availability. I prefer AR’s but made sure I was proficient with the AK as well. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. I’m not a fan of Cadillacs either and prefer Toyotas. But if a Caddy is the only thing available it’s what I’m driving. A pointless debate at best. Buy what you prefer. Practice and gain proficiency with it.

  • Thomas Janow
    Posted March 31, 2020 1:26 pm

    We as responsible gun owners need to distance ourselves from the term ASSAULT RIFLE…
    Any AR style we should be calling a Modern Sporting Rifle…the AK call it whatever you want just let’s get away from the media driven term ASSAULT RIFLE

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