Breonna Taylor and Kenneth Walker Statement

As a community, we are not surprised when one of our own is killed by law enforcement under questionable circumstances. These instances have become all too common. However, every instance draws our justified outrage. On March 13, Breonna Taylor was killed by police during a no knock raid. Like so many of these raids, it was in service to the failed War on Drugs which has been carried out as a War on African Americans. Unsurprisingly, no drugs were found as a result of the raid. During the raid Breonna’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker was awakened by the forced entry of the police and naturally perceived the entry as a home invasion and defended Breonna and himself. Unfortunately, the criminal negligence of the police resulted in Breonna’s death and to cover up their negligence they are charging Kenneth with attempted murder of a law enforcement. Only in a world where police are not expected to exercise the accountability that is demanded of your average citizen can you have this kind of event occur. Breonna had a right to life and Kennth had a right to defend himself. Police should not have more rights than your average citizen. No public servant should have more rights than your average citizen. But unfortunately in this country, African Americans are not viewed as full citizens. We must fight to change this and that fight starts with getting justice for Breonna and Kenneth and continues with a fight to change the laws surrounding when no knock warrants can be used. They are a niche tool for a niche problem and when used carelessly, they cost lives. #NAAGA #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforbreonna #justiceforkennethwalker #justiceforkenneth


  • SH68137
    Posted June 10, 2020 10:45 am

    You as an armed citizen cannot use deadly force to protect your property, yet Law Enforcement does use deadly force to protect property, potential evidence. AND Law Enforcement individuals receive “qualified immunity” when the State is wrong and your loved ones are dead, because Law Enforcement trusted “someone” that has ties to the drug trade, mostly so that “someone” can get a reduced sentence in the drug trade.

  • Salahuddin Bey
    Posted July 5, 2020 7:57 pm

    How is it that this police unit didn’t get the memo that the person they were looking for was already in custody ? Some one must be held responsible for this breakdown in communication.

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