Let us know how the use of these or other tips impacted your hunting game.
Check out these links for more details.

Use Deer Attractants
Veteran hunters have been incorporating this approach for decades. The use of deer feed, deer urine and deer feeders have yielded an increase in bagging bucks. There are many types of feeders on the market that range in price from the most to least expensive. You too can have fun creating your own. View this site now on YouTube for additional ideas.
Let us know how the use of these or other tips impacted your hunting game.
Each year a hunter goes out with a particular goal in mind. Maybe last year he was able to bag three deer and this year he increased the goal to 5. It could be a lofty challenge without a renewed strategy. What tactics worked for you last year? What plans might you change? The following tips might seem simple but have led to successful outcomes for many skilled hunters.
Cover Your Scent
It might sound like a no brainer but hunters often forget to cover their scents. This one modification might make the difference between having a successful season and not. Remember, deer can detect human smell a mile away and detect the smell you leave on the ground as you walk. The solution is to use a scent eliminator. You should spray the bottom of your shoes and the hunting stand to address this issue
Trick the Deer with Decoys
If you haven’t tried this tricking strategy, you are missing lots of opportunities. Decoys can be an excellent way to fool the deer as they are very life-like today. As long as they are positioned correctly you can lure lots of visitors to your designated area.
Another method of duping the deer include the use of call, i.e., the grunt tube and even the rattling of antlers to draw in the deer closer for a perfect shot! It’s important to increase your knowledge about decoys and accessories before using them.
Check out these links for more details.

Use Deer Attractants
Veteran hunters have been incorporating this approach for decades. The use of deer feed, deer urine and deer feeders have yielded an increase in bagging bucks. There are many types of feeders on the market that range in price from the most to least expensive. You too can have fun creating your own. View this site now on YouTube for additional ideas.
Let us know how the use of these or other tips impacted your hunting game.