Become a Training Counselor


To become a NAAGA Training Counselor, all requirements below must be met:
 Step One:
  1. You must be a NAAGA Certified Instructor for at least two years with active status.
  2. You must have obtained the NAAGA Basic Pistol and Concealed Carry Instructor certification. 
  3. You must be a current NAAGA member and must remain current during your tenure as a NAAGA Training Counselor.
  4. You must be at least 21 years old.
  5. You must have at least $1,000,000 of liability insurance.
  6. You must be a Range Safety Officer (RSO) certified with the NRA, USCCA, NAAGA, or a reputable company.
  7. You must be certified and current in the following: First Aid, CPR, AED, and Stop the Bleed.
  8. ***You must have taught at least 80 verifiable students (NAAGA Basic Pistol Course or  NAAGA Concealed Carry Course).
  9. ***You must have taught at least 20 verifiable classes (NAAGA Basic Pistol Course or NAAGA Concealed Carry Course).
  10. You must be able to retake and pass the NAAGA shooting qualification scoring an 85 or higher.

If you have not met the above qualifications, your Training Counselor will not write your endorsement letter. If your Training Counselor is not available, or no longer active, you may go through this process with another Training Counselor with active status.

 Step Two: Training Counselor Endorsement Letter for Training Counselor Candidate

You must have met requirements 1-10 before your Training Counselor will endorse you as a NAAGA Training Counselor candidate. You can get this letter of endorsement two ways:

  1. Contact your Training Counselor to help them teach during one of their classes so they can verify your training ability.
  2. Invite your Training Counselor to one of your classes so they can verify your training ability.

***Note: If you have not turned in all your class rosters, make sure you do to get full class and student credits before you attempt to have your Training Counselor fill out your endorsement letter. Failure to submit class rosters will delay or prevent you from moving forward with this process because the NAAGA Training Department will reject the letter and you will have to repeat step two of the process again.

Step Three/Final: NAAGA Training Counselor Letter of Intent

Once you have completed requirements 1-10 and had your Endorsement Letter filled out by a Training Counselor with active status, send an email to and attach your Training Counselor Letter of Intent, Training Counselor Endorsement Letter, your $1,000,000 of liability insurance document, and your RSO certificate. If you’re accepted into the NAAGA Training Counselor Program, you will be contacted by the training team.

To maintain your NAAGA TRAINING COUNSELOR active status, the requirements below must be met within two years from the date of your TRAINING COUNSELOR certification:

1. You must be a current NAAGA member and must remain current during your tenure as a NAAGA Training Counselor.

2. You must certify at least 2 Instructors every two years during your tenure as a NAAGA Training Counselor. Your class rosters must be submitted upon completion and will be verified.

3. You must have current Firearms Instructor Insurance (at least a $1,000,000 policy of liability) and keep during your tenure as a NAAGA TRAINING COUNSELOR.

4. You must be a Range Safety Officer (RSO) certified with the NRA, USCCA or a reputable company and keep this certification current during your tenure as a NAAGA TRAINING COUNSELOR.

5. You must have all of the following certifications and keep them current during your tenure as a NAAGA TRAINING COUNSELOR: First Aid, CPR/AED, and Stop the Bleed.

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