March 13, 2025


THE BASIC HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS COURSE IS THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. This basic handgun course introduces the shooter to the Fundamentals of Firearm Safety, and how to properly handle a revolver and/or pistol. You will learn the functions of a handgun and it’s inner workings. The classes include learning the 4 Universal Rules of Firearm Safety, Proper Stance and Grip, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture and Trigger Control.

Students will focus on learning how to shoot with your Gun focusing on silhouette targets. The student will fire about 100+ rounds, and receive training that will be focused on self-defense. The lecture portion includes reviewing the legal aspects of owning, transporting and using a firearm in self-defense situations, along with tactics of self-defense. This class is certified by NAAGA and is a prerequisite before taking the Advanced Defensive Pistol Courses, Range Safety Officer and Instructor level Courses.

* All Courses will be led by a Certified Instructor