From Dooms Day to Reality

NAAGA | New York City Preppers Network
NAAGA | Jason Charles
Jason Charles, New York Fireman & Active Prepper

In 2018 Jason Charles was interviewed by He talks about being one of the medical assistants on 9/11 that miraculously missed being crushed as one of the towers fell and why he became a prepper and decided to organize the New York City Preppers Network. Amazingly, he mentioned a pandemic as “the most likely scenario”.

For years many we have viewed Preppers as connected to the gun community, but they were seen by a lot of folks as extremists in their views on pandemics, world wars, and society breaking down into chaos. They have long been seen as the “doom and gloom” guys and gals. You listened to them briefly, but they were ultimately dismissed. With the arrival of the coronavirus, they have become visionaries and “subject matter experts” on surviving a pandemic. Now everybody wants to talk to them, get their insight, or read their blogs, websites, and books.

Whether You Live in an Urban or Rural Environment, the Key is Having a Plan

NAAGA | Sharon Ross
Sharon Ross, Self-Proclaimed “Afrovivalist”

NAAGA | Sharon RossTwo well-known African American Preppers are Jason Charles, a 40-year-old firefighter who lives in Manhattan, New York and Sharon Ross of Oregon. Both are highly respected as experts on survival in urban and rural environments respectively. They have different settings in which they live, but they utilize common themes and strategies. The key is to be prepared to survive on your own, make your own products, food, clothing, and shelter.  Their message is that noone is coming to save you, so you must be your own insurance policy. Learn more about Sharon at

1 Comment

  • Lamont Barber
    Posted April 2, 2020 5:48 pm

    Great info

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