George Floyd Statement

Ahmaud, Breonna, and now George are names added to a seemingly never ending list of our people who have been taken from us too soon by the racist systems and institutions of a white inferiority complex that demands our blood and bone to satiate its unending hunger. This is the country we live in. One that purports freedom and justice for all but in practice denies such conditions to those that it once codified under the law as 3/5 of a human being.

No matter how many times these tragedies occur, politicians both Democrat and Republican denounce these events but never offer or support any transformative policy solutions that would change the systems and institutions that create and sustain the cycle of death that is inflicted upon the African American community. Meanwhile, society calls on us to be calm and offer forgiveness about these tragedies before the bodies of our lost community members have turned cold. This callousness is a slap in the face. This cannot stand.

Robert F. Williams, The Godfather of Black Armed Self Defense, believed that where we are victimized by lethal immoral violence we must respond with lethal moral self defense. Our lives have value and we must act accordingly. Under the constitution, we have civil and human rights. We have a right to life irrespective of what any manmade document states. We have a right to life simply for existing and no man or government has the right to deny it. As long as an environment exists where black lives are threatened by immoral violence, we must be prepared to defend ourselves against anyone who would perpetuate such violence against us. We will fight in every dimension available to us just like our ancestors did. We will fight politically, economically, spiritually, and physically if necessary. Those that uphold justice and equity should applaud our stance and support us in every way possible. Those that perpetrate corruption and oppression shall reap the whirlwind of our righteous fight.

#NAAGA #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaudarbery #justiceforbreonnataylor #getarmed #gettrained #getinvolved #blackarmedselfdefense #negroeswithguns


  • Bill Johnson
    Posted June 13, 2020 1:20 pm

    I hope you don’t mind if I quote this statement of fact in other forums. You have brothers and sisters, those who believe in the fact that the Second Amendment is there for a reason.

    This is one.

  • DredPirateRoberts
    Posted June 22, 2020 1:50 pm

    I am a white gun owner. I hunt and shoot sporting clays. I do not carry for self-defense. I do not live somewhere I feel like that is necessary. My position is the surest way to eliminate gun violence is to eliminate guns. That being said, I strongly advocate all black Americans to by a gun and use it to defend themselves. Nothing will disturb the status-quo more than black gun ownership. If black Americans accelerate conceal and carry permitting and increase the application for purchasing a firearm then we’ll see systemic change.
    Shout out to Killer Mike and Bill Maher.

  • DredPirateRoberts
    Posted June 22, 2020 2:08 pm

    I’m a white gun owner. I don’t live where I feel like I must carry for self-protection. Seeing persons parading around with assault rifles (whether police or citizen, white, black, or brown) at protest gathering and political rallies is incredibly disturbing. Mr. Floyd’s death, like other blue on black crimes and white on black crimes, was abhorrent, preventable and tragic.
    Eliminating gun violence should be the goal of all gun owners. That being said, I strongly advocate black American gun ownership. Increasing legal ownership of firearms by black Americans is the surest way to change the status quo. Increase the number of black Americans receiving conceal and carry training and applying for gun permits and there will be systemic change.

  • Big J
    Posted June 28, 2020 1:03 pm

    I’m so sad to see this posted here. I would’ve thought that NAAGA would be supportive of law enforcement. Ahmaud and George were both in the commission of crimes. Yes, there are bad LEOs, but this particular post is so incredibly racist that I feel I can no longer promote NAAGA in good conscience. Your mission statement reads that you’re for everyone, but that is obviously not the case.

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