An Interview with Cute & Cocky Founder, Nikkita Gordon

PS: What is your full name?
NG: Nikkita K. Gordon

PS: Where were you born and raised?
NG: I was born and raised in Albany, GA and I left to attend college in 2014. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Marketing with a Certificate in Advertising and 4 years of experience in Entrepreneurship and Business Management.

PS: Did your family as a child have guns in the house?
NG: No, there were no guns in our household. I had no family members that were gun owners, law enforcement or military. Firearms were not a topic of conversation in our household.

PS: When and how were you introduced to Firearms?
NG: I introduced myself to firearms in 2016, I was a student in college that had an experience with a predator that attempted to stalk and follow me to my dorm room on campus. I intervened to prevent an attack on myself. That experience led me to get my firearms license and firearms training for personal protection at the age of 21. I was confronted with how to carry, and that moment led to me launching my firearms accessories and apparel company, Cute & Cocky.

PS: What are your favorite guns, rifles, or shotguns to shoot and why?
NG: I prefer to shoot handguns; I have shot with rifles and shotguns. Due to the anxiety of me handling higher caliber and capacity firearms, I prefer to carry and shoot with my personal Smith & Wesson M&P 22 LR. This was my first firearm, and it has allowed me to gain confidence in handling a firearm daily with confidence.

PS: How many Guns do you have currently?
NG: I have two: I have my Smith & Wesson handgun for personal protection and a 12 gauge, semi-automatic shotgun for home defense.

PS: When did you decide to become a business owner developing accessories for women?
NG: I decided to start developing my company Retention Accessories after noticing that there were no practical holsters that fit my lifestyle that provided maximum retention of the firearm and easy access to it in a moment’s notice. At the time I was a college student and young business woman, my wardrobe varied from hoodies to business blazers and heels. I needed to have more options that would be fashionable and allowed deep concealment of my handgun for personal protection. After developing my products I saw the need for women to have options for CCW wear also.

PS: What is your area or types of products?
NG: Our company designs unisex products geared towards women & law enforcement. We have on-body and off-body options, Including the (FRS-1) a sew-in holster to be sewn inside of any outerwear garment with an inside lining. Also we have a Concealed Carry Hoodie with a BUILT IN HOLSTER (FRS-1) for women specifically. We carry a variety of concealed carry purses for off-body carry.

PS: What are your goals for yourself and company for the next five years?
NG: In five years, our company and its products will be nationally and internationally known by gun owners. We plan to collaborate with organizations to help promote our sole mission: “To help women feel safer through personal protection tools and gear.” Our goal is to sell 1 million holsters to 1 million women gun owners. This will allow us to accomplish our threshold of being notarized as a lead competing brand in the firearms industry.

I am currently pursuing my Master’s in Business Management and I plan to build Cute & Cocky up to have an IPO or licensing deal to fund my family legacy fund. This business for me is an opportunity to help set the tone for young women being a part of the 2A movement and being a role model for innovation around firearm safety. I plan to continue to use my image and likeness to promote personal protection as my company grows.

PS: Why is it so important for women to have guns?
NG: Women are the most targeted group of individuals for rape, sexual assault, harassment, domestic violence, stalking, kidnapping, sex trafficking and murder. These are all unavoidable situations because we are not in control of other’s choices, specifically men. I chose to protect myself and I was only 21; these crimes happen to women of all ages. I believe that it is important for women of legal age to have a firearm license and training for self-protection, and self-defense insurance is a plus, too. I never want to be put in a position to have to use a firearm on someone, but when minutes count, I hope every woman chooses to never be compromised ever!


  • Michael Lee
    Posted July 19, 2021 10:02 pm


  • Charles England Sr
    Posted July 19, 2021 10:09 pm

    You have a great idea for women who need to have apparel options to carry for protection. My wife and three Granddaughters and Daughter-in-law all have their license to carry and have been trained for safety. Keep up the good work and follow your dreams.

  • Rashad Thompson
    Posted July 21, 2021 1:08 am

    This was a great interview and idea

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